Image 10-1), Settings – Barco R9003110 User Manual

Page 72

background image

10. Settings

Image 10-1

The custom color temperature allows the selection of a user defined color temperature set in the Adjustment

10.1.3 Color temperature in a closed loop medical visualization system

Color temperature in a closed loop medical visualization system

If, however the projector is part of a typical closed loop medical visualization system (Barco Dicom


Theatre ), color temperature

will be set by the control & calibration system (MediCal


Pro) along with a display function forming a pre-set value.

The preset (formed by color temperature and display function) values are checked on a regular basis to verify if the projected image
is within a tolerance with respect to consistency, in the case it isn’t, a calibration process will be launched.

How to select a color temperature ?

1. Refer to the system manual

OSD interaction

When a preset is selected on MediCal


Pro , the selected color temperature (as well as the display function) will be marked on the

projector’s OSD menu.

Full white

Image 10-2

The completion of the calibration procedure will in the same way be signaled by a separate logo (as well as for the display function).


R5976741 MGP 15 MEDICAL GRADE PROJECTOR 28/04/2004
