Operation, Operation 13 – MTS Model 286-31 Transient Permeability Pore Pressure Intensifier User Manual

Page 13

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286.31 Transient Permeability Pore Pressure Intensifier




Operation of the 286.31 Intensifier consists of —

Purging and Filling the Fluid Lines

Running a Steady State Flow Test

Running a Transient Permeability Flow Test


Complete purging needs only to be done when —

You first install the 286.31.

You accidentally draw air into the Pressure Intensifier

Special equipment needed —

distilled water — at least 2 gallons (8 litres)

1% Triton® wetting solution

Teflon® thread sealing tape

The 286.31 is designed to operate as part of an integrated system that typically
includes —

a Test Controller with closed-loop control electronics

a hydraulic power supply

a triaxial cell or pressure vessel installed in a load unit

a confining fluid pressure intensifier

To become familiar with your system, make a trial run of the test you want to run.
Familiarize yourself with the controls and indicators used in each step, without
actually doing the step.
