MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

Page 35

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Creating resources manually

If no existing tests are available to import resources from, you must add them to your test manually. (Resources
tab > Add Resource > resource type
). When you add a resource, you must enter a Display Name, an
Internal Name (spaces not permitted), and where applicable, a Dimension.

Example of Control Mode Test Resources Added Manually

Mapping test resources that have been added manually to controllers

When you connect to a station, MPE attempts to map the test resources you added offline to the station. If
the resource names do not match, MPE shows resource validation errors. To resolve the errors, you must
manually map the controller resources to the test. For more information about mapping controller resources
to the test, see

Resource Mapping

on page 33.

Considerations for selecting compensators

It is a best practice to wait until you connect to a station before selecting compensators for command activities.
When not connected to a station, the compensator list for a given command-type activity shows all of the
types of compensators that are possible to use with the activity. When you connect to a station, the list of
compensators shows only the compensators that are actually available to the activity.

When connected to a station, compensator availability is affected by the following:

Some compensators apply only to specific types of command activities. For instance, Peak Valley
Compensation (PVC) pertains only to cyclic command.

Some compensators, such as Adaptive Inverse Control (AIC), are licensed and are only available if they
were purchased.

Some compensators, such as Null Pacing, are available only if they are enabled in the underlying station

For More Information

Resource Mapping

on page 33

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 35

4.0 Working with Resources
