RKI Instruments SDM-2009 PC Controlled Configuration User Manual

Page 45

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Connecting Instruments to the PC Controller Program • 40

Icon View vs. Details View

Instruments that are currently connected or have been previously connected can be
viewed in either Icon View or Details View. Choose Icon or Details View by clicking
the Icon or Details radio button below the control buttons. Icon View allows you to
view connected instruments and previously connected instruments in an icon
configuration. Connected instruments are shown as an instrument inserted in an
SDM-2009 icon. Previously connected instruments are shown as instrument icons.
Right clicking an instrument causes the Instrument Function Menu to appear.

Details View allows you to view connected instruments and previously connected
instruments in a table format. Scrolling to the right in Details View allows you to view
existing instrument parameters. For a description of these parameters and
instructions to change them, see “Edit Function” on page 95.

Figure 28: Main Program Window, Details View

Unless otherwise noted, all following figures that show the main program window in
this manual are shown in Icon View.
