CANOGA PERKINS 9145E NID Software Version 4.10 User Manual

Page 243

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Service OAM

9145E NID Software User’s Manual

Maintenance End Points


Figure 11-27 Linktrace Monitoring screen

Figure 11-28 Linktrace Report screen

Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 02-JAN-2009
9145E-101-1-0 V04.10 05:15:27
------------------------------LINKTRACE MONITORING ----------------------------

MEP ID: 100

1) Destination: MEP ID : 200
2) FDB only flag: No
3) Initial TTL value: 64

Linktrace number of replies: 2

Destination reached: Yes
Number of hps to destination: 2

Select (S) to see results, (R) for a new request:

Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 02-JAN-2009
9145E-101-1-0 V04.10 05:15:27
------------------------------ LINKTRACE REPORT -------------------------------

Source MEP ID: 100
Destination: Mep ID: 200 MAC: 00:00:00:10:00:01
MAC: 00:40:2A:01:ED:E3
Destination reached: Yes
Number of hops to destination: 2
Number of replies: 2

Reply number: 1
TTL: 62
Responder MAC address: 00:40:2A:01:ED:E3
LTM was forwarded: Yes
Terminal MEP was reached: Undefined
Relay action: MP DB
Egress action: Ok
Egress address: 00:40:2A:01:ED:E3

Select [(F)irst, (P)rev, (N)ext, (L)ast] to change pages,
R)efresh, ESC to return:
