Control codes, Introduction, C0 control characters – Genicom GEK 00031B User Manual

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5000 Series Programmer’s Manual




Generally, control codes are not printed and cause the printer to
perform a control function. Within PPL III, there is an exception when
Control Representation Mode (CRM) is set.

C0 Control Characters

C0 control characters are in the range of 00H to 1FH. With the
exception of Escape (ESC), Cancel (CAN), and Substitute (SUB), C0
control characters do not affect escape sequences, control sequences,

or control strings.

Only the control characters listed below are implemented. All others
are ignored.


Bell (07H): BEL causes the printer to sound a bell or buzzer.


Backspace (08H): BS moves the active horizontal position back one
Horizontal Advance Increment (HAI). See the section later in this

chapter on the Page Coordinate System. BS is active within the page
boundaries, i.e., there is no effect if the current Active Position is
outside of the left or right margin settings.


Cancel (18H): CAN is ignored unless received in an escape sequence,
control sequence, or control string. In these instances, CAN causes

the sequence or string being processed to abort.


Carriage Return (0DH): CR sets the active horizontal position to the
Line Home Position, even when the active horizontal position is to the
left of the Line Home Position. If Carriage Return/New Line Mode
(DECCRNLM) is set, the printer also moves down one Vertical
Advance Increment (VAI). If PLD or subscript counts are non-

negative, then a CR executed beyond the bottom margin causes a
form feed.

See the section later in this chapter on the Page Coordinate System.


Escape (1BH): ESC introduces an escape sequence. An ESC control
character received in an escape sequence, control sequence, or

control string aborts that sequence and begins a new escape


Form Feed (0CH): FF indicates the end of the current page and the
beginning of a new page. Subsequent output will appear on the new
page. FF sets the active vertical position to the Page Home Line. FF
does not modify the active horizontal position. See the section on the

Page Coordinate System for further information on the interaction
with coordinate system bounds.
