Printronix ThermaLine Series User Manual

Page 137

background image




The size and number of raster image logos are bounded by printer memory.

The logo call command in the Create Form mode brings the predefined

logo into a form. The starting row and column parameters refer to the upper

left corner of the logo grid. Once created, the logo is ready to be used in

any form and will print at the size shown.

Raster images may contain data that is interpreted by your host as control

codes. This may affect the way the host sends data to the printer. Consult

your host’s Setup Guide for sending binary data.

Be careful when editing TIFF output files because most TEXT editors

insert carriage returns and line feeds. If a TIFF file must be edited, use a

binary or hex editor.

NOTE: Be careful sending TIFF data. The LOGO line must be terminated

and then the TIFF data must follow immediately (with no extra

CR/LF’s). Otherwise, improper operation will result.
