Printronix ThermaLine Series User Manual

Page 345

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Error Codes


CREATE page starting column PAGE SC out of bounds

When you specify the position of the page parameters in the Create

command, the column position specified will place the page number outside

the form boundaries. When this error occurs, the IGP/PGL will automatically

revert to the Normal mode.


CREATE STOP command missing

This error occurs when the IGP/PGL receives a new function command, an

End command, or a mode command without receiving a Stop command. The

IGP/PGL will continue to process subsequent commands correctly.


Insufficient memory to store the SETUP program

No more room in the IGP/PGL memory exists for storing the SETUP



Insufficient memory to store the form

The directory is full, or no more room exists in the IGP/PGL memory for

another form. When this occurs, the IGP/PGL automatically reverts to the

Normal mode. To create space in the IGP/PGL memory, delete forms that are

no longer required.
