HT instruments SOLAR I-V User Manual

Page 28

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I-V400 - SOLAR I-V

EN - 26


At any time it will be possible to analyze the current
recording status by pressing the MENU key. The following
information will be shown:

 starting date and time of recording
 the value set for the integration period
 the number of periods elapsed from the beginning

of the recording

 the remaining memory capacity for recording

Press the ESC key to exit the screen

15/05/10 15:35:00

S t a r t

1 4 / 0 2 / 0 0 1 7 : 1 8 : 0 0
P e r i o d : 5 s

I P N u m b e r 6 1

R e c . T i m e

0 d 1 h

R e c . r u n n i n g



18. Now it is possible to bring the unit SOLAR-02 near the PV strings to measure irradiation and

temperature by means of the relevant probes. When the distance between unit SOLAR-02
and SOLAR I-V does not allow the RF connection, on the display of SOLAR-02, the symbol

” flashes for approx. 30s and then disappears, while SOLAR I-V continues searching

for the connection for approx. 1 minute.

19. Position the reference cell onto the surface of the PV modules. Please refer to the relevant

User Manual for a correct assembly.

20. Put the temperature sensor in contact with the rear side of the module and fasten it with

some tape; prevent touching it with your fingers (as this could alter the measure).

21. Wait some seconds in order to permit a stable measure by probes and then connect the

irradiation and temperature probes respectively to the inputs PYRA/CELL and TEMP
of the SOLAR-02 unit.

22. Wait for “READY” message displayed on SOLAR-02. This event indicates that the

instrument has detected some data with solar irradiation > minimum limit threshold (see
§ 5.1.5)

23. Wait at least 1 minute in order to recording more valid samples
24. Disconnect the irradiation and temperature probes from unit SOLAR-02 and bring the unit

near SOLAR I-V (max distance 1m).

25. The main unit SOLAR I-V must be in EFF mode. If there is no flashing symbol “


press key

 to activate the RF connection search again.

26. Press the

 key on SOLAR-02 to active the RF connection. On the main unit the message

“ RF connection active” is displayed

27. To stop testing, press the GO/STOP key on instrument

SOLAR I-V and confirm with ENTER that you want to stop


The display of SOLAR I-V will show the message
DOWNLOAD” to indicate that the data will be transferred to
the main unit during its various phases.

29. After the automatic data transfer phase, the instrument:

 Do not show any results if do not exist on the PV

installation a “stable irradiance” condition more than the
minimum irradiance threshold.

15/05/10 15:35:00

I r r

9 7 1

W / m 2

P n o m 3 . 5 0 0

k W

T c

4 5 . 1

° C

T e

3 0 . 5

° C

P d c

3 . 1 2 5

k W

P a c

2 . 9 6 0

k W

n d c

0 . 8 6

n a c

0 . 9 5

A n a l y s i s R e s u l t



 Display the best performance values if during the recording, the Irradiance values

reached the “stable” condition and its values were higher than the minimum irradiance

30. Press SAVE to save the results (see § 7.1) or ESC to exit the screen of the results and

go back to the initial screen

This manual is related to the following products: