Enable playback directly from remote site camera, Enable/disable recording, Enable recording on related devices – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

Page 102: About pre-buffering

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual



Management Client elements

Enable playback directly from remote site camera

1. On the central site, expand Servers and select Recording Servers.

2. In the Overview pane, expand the required recording server, select the relevant remote

system. Select the relevant camera.

3. In the Properties pane, select the Record tab, and select the Play back recordings from

remote system option.

4. In the toolbar, click Save.

In a Milestone Interconnect™ setup, the central system disregards privacy masking defined in a
remote system.

Enable/disable recording

Recording is by default enabled. To enable/disable recording:

1. Select the device.

2. Select/clear the Record tab's Recording check box.

You must enable recording for the device before you can record data from the camera. A rule that
specifies the circumstances for a device to record does not work if you have disabled recording the

Enable recording on related devices

For camera devices, you can enable recording for related devices that are connected to the same
recording server. It means that the related devices record when the camera records.

Recording on related devices are enabled by default for new camera devices, but you can disable and
enable as you want. For existing camera devices in the system, the check box is cleared by default.

1. Select/clear the Record on related devices box.

2. On Camera > Client tab, specify the devices that relate to this camera.

If you want to enable recording on related devices that are connected to another recording server, you
must create a rule.

About pre-buffering

Pre-buffering is the ability to record audio and video before the actual triggering event occurs. This is
useful when you want to record the audio or video that leads up to an event that triggers recording, for
example, opening a door.

Pre-buffering is possible because the system continuously receives audio and video streams from the
connected devices and temporarily stores them in the media database for the defined pre-buffer

If a recording rule is triggered, the temporary recordings are made permanent for the rule’s
configured pre-recording time.

If no recording rule is triggered the temporary recordings in the pre-buffer are automatically
deleted after the defined pre-buffer time.
