Add a generic event, Test a generic event, Example: create and test a basic generic event – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual


Management Client elements

for example access control systems and alarm systems. The aim is to allow as many external sources
as possible to interact with the system.

With the concept of data sources, you avoid having to adapt third-party tools to meet the standards of
your system. With data sources, you can communicate with a particular piece of hard- or software on a
specific IP port and fine-tune how bytes arriving on that port are interpreted. Each generic event type
pairs up with a data source and makes up a language used for communication with a specific piece of
hard- or software.

Working with data sources requires general knowledge of IP networking and specific knowledge of the
individual hard- or software you want to interface from. There are many parameters you can use and
no ready-made solution on how to do this. Basically, your system provides the tools, but not the
solution. Unlike user-defined events, generic events has no authentication. This makes them easier to
trigger but, to avoid jeopardizing security, only events from local host are accepted. You can allow
other client IP addresses from the Generic Events tab of the Options menu.

Add a generic event

1. Expand Rules and Events, right-click Generic Events, and select Add New.

2. Fill in the needed information and properties. See Generic event properties (see "Generic

event (properties)" on page 169).

3. Optional: In the Check if expression matches event string: field, enter the expression you

want to validate.

4. Optional: Below the Check if expression matches event string: field, you see either Match

or No match as indication of whether your string can be validated against the expression
entered in the Expression: field or not. If not, change the string and/or relevant settings and
try again.

5. Click Yes.

Test a generic event

1. Expand Rules and Events > Generic Events.

2. Select the top-node Generic Event.

3. In the Properties pane, fill in the needed information.

4. Click Send.

5. Depending on your selected data source, you may get a response (an echo from the event

server) in the Echo from event server and local error message field. This can be either
successful or failed.

See also Generic event test properties (see "Generic event test (properties)" on page 171).

Example: Create and test a basic generic event

To trigger recording on Camera1, send the string RecordCamera1 to a TCP port on the event server
and teach the event server to understand what RecordCamera1 means.
