Edit a time profile – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual



Management Client elements

Specify a recurring time

When you select Add Recurring Time, the Select Recurring Time window appears:

Time and date format may be different on your system

1. In the Select Time window, specify time range, recurrence pattern and range of recurrence.

2. Click OK.

A time profile can contain several periods of time. If you want your time profile to contain further
periods of time, add more single times or recurring times.

Edit a time profile

1. In the Overview pane's Time Profiles list, right-click the relevant time profile, and select Edit

Time Profile. This opens the Time Profile window.

2. Edit the time profile as needed. If you have made changes to the time profile, click OK in the

Time Profile window. You return to the Time Profiles list.

You browse months by clicking the small back/forward buttons.

Note: In the Time Profile Information window, you can edit the time profile as needed. Remember
that a time profile may contain more than one time period, and that time periods may be recurring. The
small month overview in the top right corner can help you get a quick overview of the time periods
covered by the time profile, as dates containing specified times are highlighted in bold.

In this example, the bold dates indicate that you have specified time periods on several days, and that
you have specified a recurring time on Mondays.
