Install milestone mobile server – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

Page 39

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual



The path is typically:
C:\Program Files\Milestone\XProtect Management Server\IIS\httpdocs\XProtect Smart
Client Installer\[version number] [bit-version]\All Languages\en-US

For example:
C:\Program Files\Milestone\XProtect Management Server\IIS\httpdocs\XProtect Smart
Client Installer\2014 (32-bit)\All Languages\en-US

2. Run a silent installation using one of the following two options:

a Run with default parameter settings:

To run a silent installation using the default values for all parameters, start a command prompt
(cmd.exe) in the directory where the installation program is located and execute following

>MilestoneXProtectSmart Client.exe -


This performs a quiet installation of the XProtect Smart Client using default values for
parameters such as target directory and so on. To change the default settings, see below.

b Customize default parameters using an xml argument file as input:

To customize the default installation settings, an xml file with modified values must be provided
as input. To generate the xml file with default values, open a command prompt in the directory
where the installation program is located and execute following command:

>MilestoneXProtectSmart Client.exe --generateargsfile=args.xml

Open the generated args.xml file, using for example Windows Notepad, and perform any
changes needed. Then, to run silent installation using these modified values, execute following
command in the same directory.

>MilestoneXProtectSmart Client.exe --arguments=args.xml --quiet

Install Milestone Mobile server

All XProtect system components, including the Milestone Mobile server, are available for separate
download and installation from the management server's download web page (controlled by XProtect
Download Manager):

1. On the management server, go to the Management server's download web page from

Windows' Start menu, select Programs, Milestone, Administrative Installation Page.

2. Select the Milestone Mobile server installer. Save the installer somewhere appropriate and run

it from here or run it directly from the web page.

3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install.

Once you have installed the Milestone Mobile server, you can use Milestone Mobile client and
XProtect Web Client with your system. To reduce the overall use of system resources on the computer
running the management server, install the Milestone Mobile server on a separate computer. For more
information about how to do this, see the Milestone Mobile server manual, available on the Milestone
