Add a patrolling profile, Specify preset positions in a patrolling profile, Specify the time at each preset position – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual


Management Client elements

Add a patrolling profile

Add a profile that you want to use in a rule:

1. Click Add. The Add Profile dialog box appears.

2. In the Add Profile dialog box, specify a name for the patrolling profile.

3. Click OK. The new patrolling profile is added to the Profile list. You can now specify the preset

positions and other settings for the patrolling profile.

Specify preset positions in a patrolling profile

1. Select the patrolling profile in the Profile list:

2. Click Add.

3. In the Select Preset dialog box, select the preset positions for your patrolling profile:

4. Click OK. The selected preset positions are added to the list of preset positions for the

patrolling profile:

5. The camera uses the preset position at the top of the list as the first stop when it patrols

according to the patrolling profile. The preset position in second position from the top is the
second stop, and so forth.

Specify the time at each preset position

When patrolling, the PTZ camera by default remains for 5 seconds at each preset position specified in
the patrolling profile.

To change the number of seconds:
