About rights of a role – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

Page 174

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual



Management Client elements

Users with local machine administrator rights on the computer running the management server
automatically have administrator rights on the management server. Only users whom you trust as
administrators of your system should have local machine administrator rights on the computer running
the management server. You cannot turn this off. You add users and groups to the Administrators
role just as with any other role. See Assign and remove users and groups to/from roles (see
"Assign/remove users and groups to/from roles" on page 176).

In addition to the Administrators role, you can add as many roles as required to suit your needs. You
may, for example, have different roles for users of XProtect Smart Client depending on which cameras
you want them to access or similar restrictions. To set up roles in your system, expand the Security >

About rights of a role

Available functionality depends on the XProtect Advanced VMS you are using. See the Product
comparison chart (on page 21) for more information.

When you create a role in your system, you can give the role a number of rights to the system
components or features that the relevant role can access and use. You may, for example, want to
create roles that only have rights to functionality in XProtect Smart Client or other Milestone viewing
clients, with the rights to view only certain cameras. If you create such roles, these roles should not
have rights to access and use the Management Client, but only have access to some or all
functionality found in XProtect Smart Client or other clients. To address this, you may want to set up a
role that has some or most typical administrator rights, for example, the rights to add and remove
cameras, servers and similar functionality.

In previous versions of the XProtect Advanced VMS, your system presented a single solution to be an
administrator for your system settings in the Management Client. This was through a default full
administrator role with rights to see and change all settings in the system.

From XProtect Corporate 2014 and onwards, you can create roles that have some or most rights of a
system administrator. This may, for example, be relevant if your organization wants to separate
between between people who can administrate a subset of the system and people who can
administrate the entire system. The feature allows you to provide differentiated administrator
permissions to access, edit or change a large variety of system functions, for example, the right to edit
the settings for servers or cameras in your system. You can also reflect the same limitations in the
user interface of the Management Client for each role by associating the role with a Management
Client profile that has the removed the corresponding system functions from the user interface. See
About Management Client profiles (on page 128) for information.

To give a role such differentiated administrator rights, the person with the default full administrator role
must set up the role under Security > Roles > Info tab > Add new. When you set up the new role,
you can then associate the role with your own profiles must similarly to when you set up any other role
in the system or use the system's default profiles. For more information, see Add and manage a role
(on page 175).

Once you have specified what profiles you want to associate the role with, go to the Overall Security
tab to specify the rights of the role.

The rights you can set for a role are different between XProtect Corporate and XProtect Expert. While
you can give all available rights to a role in XProtect Corporate, you can only set non-administrator
rights in XProtect Expert.
