Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

Page 170

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual


Management Client elements


Expression that the system should look out for when analyzing data
packages. You can use the following operators:

( ): Used to ensure that related terms are processed together

as a logical unit. They can be used to force a certain processing
order in the analysis.

Example: The search criteria "(User001 OR Door053) AND
Sunday" first processes the two terms inside the parenthesis, then
combines the result with the last part of the string. So, the system
first looks for any packages containing either of the terms User001
or Door053, then takes the results and run through them in order to
see which packages also contain the term Sunday.

AND: With an AND operator, you specify that the terms on both

sides of the AND operator must be present.

Example: The search criteria "User001 AND Door053 AND
Sunday" returns a result only if the terms User001 , Door053 and
Sunday are all included in your expression. It is not enough for only
one or two of the terms to be present. The more terms you combine
with AND, the fewer results you retrieve.

OR: With an OR operator, you specify that either one or

another term must be present.

Example: The search criteria "User001 OR Door053 OR Sunday"
returns any results containing either User001, Door053 or Sunday.
The more terms you combine with OR, the more results you

Expression type

Indicates how particular the system should be when analyzing
received data packages. The options are the following:

Search: In order for the event to occur, the received data

package must contain the text specified in the Expression:
field, but may also have more content.

Example: If you have specified that the received package
should contain the terms User001 and Door053, the event is
triggered if the received package contains the terms User001
and Door053 and Sunday since your two required terms are
contained in the received package.

Match: In order for the event to occur, the received data

package must contain exactly the text specified in the
Expression: field, and nothing else.

Regular expression: In order for the event to occur, the text

specified in the Expression: field must identify specific patterns
in the received data packages.

If you switch from Search: or Match: to Regular expression:, the
text in the Expression: field is automatically translated to a regular
