360 lens tab (devices), About the 360 lens tab, Enable and disable panomorph support – Milestone XProtect Advanced VMS 2014 User Manual

Page 113: Specify panomorph settings, 360° lens tab (devices), About the 360° lens tab

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Milestone XProtect



VMS 2014

Administrator's Manual



Management Client elements

You can specify how much time should pass before regular patrolling is resumed after a manual

1. Select Tools > Options.

2. On the Options window's General tab, select the amount of time in the PTZ manual session

timeout list (default is 15 seconds).

The setting applies for all PTZ cameras on your system.

360° Lens tab (devices)

About the 360° Lens tab

The following devices have a 360° Lens tab:

Fixed cameras with a dedicated ImmerVision 360° lens

On the 360° Lens tab, you can enable and configure panomorph support for the selected camera.

Enable and disable panomorph support

The panomorph feature is disabled by default.

To enable or disable it, select or clear the 360° Lens tab's Enable panomorph support check box.

Specify Panomorph settings

When you enable the panomorph support functionality:

1. Select a Registered Panomorph Lens (RPL) number from the ImmerVision Enables


panomorph RPL number list.

This ensures the identification and correct configuration of the lens used with the camera. You
usually find the RPL number on the lens itself or on the box it came in. For details of
ImmerVision, panomorph lenses, and RPLs, see



2. Specify the physical position/orientation of the camera from the Camera position/orientation

