HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual

Page 313

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<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY >

<!-- The parameter element has three attributes. The index attributes

specifies which argument in a parameterized string this parameter

substitutes. Parameters can be indexed from 1 to 10 with a

default index of 1. Tools cannot contain parameters with

duplicate indexes. If more than one parameter in a tool

definition contains the same index, only the first parameter added

to the tool with the duplicate index remains in the tool. The

prompt attribute provides information about the parameter that

can be displayed in a GUI for assistance. The required attribute

specifies whether this parameter must be specified when the tool

is executed. By default, parameters are not required. The private

attribute specifies whether this parameter is encoded and stored

securely. By default, parameters are not private. -->

<!ATTLIST parameter index (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10) "1"


required (true|false) "false"

private (true|false) "false" >

<!-- The toolbox-enabled element specifies whether the toolboxes

associated with a tool are enabled. -->

<!ELEMENT toolbox-enabled EMPTY >

<!-- The toolbox-enabled element has one attribute. The value

attribute specifies whether the tool within the toolboxes is enabled.

This allows a full-rights user to explicitly disable the tools in

a toolbox though the tool is always enabled in the All Tools

toolbox. By default, the tool is enabled in all the toolboxes that

it is in. If a tool is disabled within a toolbox, it cannot be

executed. -->

<!ATTLIST toolbox-enabled value (true|false) "true">

<!-- The role-enabled element specifies whether the roles associated

with a tool are enabled. This is an obsolete element. The

toolbox-enabled element should be used instead.-->

<!ELEMENT role-enabled EMPTY >

<!-- See description of toolbox-enabled element attributes. -->

<!ATTLIST role-enabled value (true|false) "true">

<!-- The default-target element specifies a target on which the tool

can run if no targets are specified at run time. One can specify

a system, &cms2; to run on the &cms2; by default, or ALL to run on all

authorized systems by default. -->

<!ELEMENT default-target ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- The category element specifies the category with which to

associate the tool. By default, tools are associated with the

"Local Tools" category. -->

<!ELEMENT category ( #PCDATA ) >

Custom tools 313
