Checking signs, 4 set up sequences, Creating sequences – Daktronics StatVision for Baseball User Manual

Page 13: Set up sequences

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7. Use the Drives column to select the drive letter(s)

where content is stored for the selected sign. In the
Drive Letter Configuration window (Figure 5) type in
a new drive letter (if different from the default “D”
drive) and click Add. Click OK when finished.

8. If using a V-Net controller, be sure to click in the

Control Port column and then click Yes. This will
send display commands over a specific port.

9. Click OK to save the sign.

Checking Signs

After a sign has been configured, it appears as a button on the top of the screen (Figure 6).

Click a sign once to enable it.
Enabled signs are highlighted in green.

Click a sign again to turn it off.
Disabled signs are highlighted in red.

If a sign has more than one drive letter assigned, there will be a different button for
each sign and drive letter combination.

Note: More than one sign may be checked at a time, and at least one sign must be checked
to output stats/messages. Standings/leaders can be displayed without any signs checked.

3.4 Set Up Sequences

When a certain combination of stats is to be displayed, StatVision tells the display controller
to play a sequence that matches the selected data. The Sequence Configuration window is
where the names of these sequences are specified.

Note: At a minimum, there must be a sequence for 1 Category/3 Stats and 1 Category/4 Stats.
It is not necessary to create sequences for every possible category/stat combination.

Creating Sequences

Sequences are built on the Venus 7000 or Show Control computer. They determine the layout
of the statistics and standings on the sign, including how many and what statistics are to be
displayed. Separate sequences are required to display leaders and standings. Refer to
Appendix B for further assistance with creating display sequences.

Use the following table to determine what input template file (ITF) or Data Interface
Definition (DID) file to use for each type of data that StatVision sends out:

Data Type


Dynamic Data Library Folder

Fixed, Situational, & Non-
updating Stats

StatVision Stats

StatVision Stats

League Leaders

StatVision Leaders

StatVision Leaders


StatVision Standings

StatVision Standings

Player & Quick Messages

DSTI DSBA Plr Msg req

Requested: Player Messages

Elias Messages

StatVision Elias Message

StatVision Messages

Figure 5: Drive Letter Configuration

Figure 6: Checking Signs
