Section 4: pregame operation, 1 pregame options, Section 4 – Daktronics StatVision for Baseball User Manual

Page 17: Pregame operation, Pregame options

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Pregame Operation


Section 4:

Pregame Operation

The Pregame tab (Figure 10) configures how and what league leaders and standings are displayed
through playlists. By default, categories are highlighted in yellow for home and blue for visitors to
easily see which stats are applicable to the two current teams. Users can click on individual Stat
categories and see the full details in the lower half of the screen.

4.1 Pregame Options

The pregame options are used to customize the leaders and standings output.

1. Go to Pregame > Options (Figure 11). Note that the Pregame menu is only accessible

while on the Pregame tab.

Figure 10: Pregame Tab

Figure 11: Pregame Options
