Setting up pregame sequences – Daktronics StatVision for Baseball User Manual

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Setting Up Pregame Sequences

The pregame sequences control how to display league leaders and standings.

1. Go to Edit > Sequences.
2. In the Sequence Configuration window, click the Pregame tab (Figure 8).
3. Type in the appropriate names for the Libraries and Sequences.

The fields on the Pregame tab of the Sequence Configuration window are described below:


The library name indicates the library/folder where the StatVision
sequences are stored. If the sequences reside in the same library for
multiple leagues, the library name will need to be typed into each
league. Having separate libraries allows sequences for each league
with a unique appearance (for example, a league logo as the


Indicates the sequences to be used for displaying Individual League
, Standings, and Wildcard Standings. Wildcard Standings are
separate from Division Standings because up to 13 teams are possible
for Wildcard Standings, while only 6 are included in Division
Standings. If the sequence for both is the same, the name will need to
be entered in both rows.

Leaders and standings sequences are displayed in pages. To configure how many stats to
show per page and how long to display them, see Section 4.1.

Figure 8: Sequence Configuration

– Pregame
