Paradyne 3160 User Manual

Page 293

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March 1999

features, 1-1– 1-8

fractional T1, 2-1, 2-2

framing configuration option, C-2, C-8

front panel

acquiring/releasing the user interface, 3-51– 3-68

operation, 3-1– 3-68

physical description, 1-3– 1-8, 3-1

Front Panel Emulation

cabling example, 2-8

functional description, 1-2, 3-1, G-1– G-4

installation and operation, G-1– G-4


Gen (General) Configuration branch

example of use, 3-47– 3-68

option table, C-16– C-52

option worksheet, C-41

government regulations, Canada, E

government requirements, United States, D


ID (Identity) branch, example of use, 3-9– 3-68


See LEDs, front panel

integral modem, D

IP (Internet Protocol) addressing

configuration option, C-33, C-34, C-36

example of use, F-1– F-6

procedure for configuring, 3-21– 3-68



operation, 3-3– 3-68

physical description, 1-3, 3-1


lamp test, 4-35– 4-38

LAN Adapter, 1-3, 1-7, 2-3, 2-4, 3-20, F-1

LED Control branch, example of use, 3-12– 3-68

LED Status branch, example of use, 3-13– 3-68

LEDs, front panel

during power-up self-test, 2-9

functional description, 3-5– 3-68

lamp test, 4-35– 4-38

physical description, 1-3, 3-1

line coding, C-2

line equalization, C-2

line loopback (LLB), 4-23– 4-38

link layer protocol, 3-19, 3-23– 3-68

link trap, 4-12

liquid crystal display (LCD)

failure message, 4-2

functional description, 3-2– 3-68

physical description, 1-3, 3-1

LOF (Loss Of Frame) condition, front panel LED

indication, 3-7, 3-8

LOFC (Loss Of Frame Count) report, 4-9


front panel LED indication, 3-6

local, 4-22– 4-38

abort, 4-29– 4-38

data channel loopback (DCLB), 4-27– 4-38

data terminal loopback (DTLB), 4-28– 4-38

DTE loopback (DLB), 4-25– 4-38, C-3, D-3

line loopback (LLB), 4-23– 4-38

payload loopback (PLB), 4-24– 4-38

repeater loopback (RLB), 4-26– 4-38

remote, 4-19– 4-38

LOS (Loss Of Signal) condition

ASCII terminal/printer message, 4-11

Device Health and Status message, 4-4

front panel LED indication, 3-7, 3-8

Performance Report message, 4-10

Self-Test Health message, 4-2

troubleshooting, 4-14

Lpbk (Local Loopback) branch, example of use, 4-22–




device health and status, 4-3– 4-38

performance reporting, 4-5– 4-38

power-up self-test, 2-10, 4-1– 4-38

manager, SNMP, 1-3

master clock

functional description, 3-45

procedure for configuring, 3-47



Performance Report, 4-8

Self-Test Health, 4-2

troubleshooting, 4-14

with ASCII terminal/printer, 1-2– 1-8, 4-11–


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