Extend from out, How to extend a timeline element – EVS XT3 MulticamLSM Version 11.02 - July 2013 Operation Manual User Manual

Page 150

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Extend From OUT

This editing action shifts the IN point of the timeline element which includes the Mark
OUT to the defined Mark IN. The following schema shows an example with only the video
track selected.

How to Extend a Timeline Element

To perform an Extend, proceed as follows:

1. Recall the requested timeline by selecting its page (SHIFT+Page+F_ key), bank

(SHIFT+F10), and the timeline position (F_ key).

2. Press PLST to load the timeline in Timeline Edit mode.

3. Use the jog dial to position on the requested Mark IN point and press the IN key.

4. Use the jog dial to position on the requested Mark OUT point and press the OUT key.

‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ are displayed on the OSD. The Extend option is displayed on the LCD
menu as follows:


Audio 1

Audio 2



6. Timeline Management

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.

Issue 11.02.A July 2013
