HP LaserJet 3055 User Manual

Page 419

background image

NetWare 167
Unix 163
Windows 164

dial-tone detection settings 106

from a telephone 106
internationally 81
manually 73
pauses, inserting 81
prefixes, inserting 86
redialing automatically, settings


redialing manually 74
tone or pulse settings 77
troubleshooting 344

dimensions, all-in-one 378

Configuration page 269
part numbers 366

direct mode, network 154
distinctive-ring settings 104
documentation 242, 368
Documentation tab, HP ToolboxFX


dots per inch (dpi)

fax 76, 221
print settings 332
specifications 5

dots, troubleshooting 334

duplex jams, clearing 261

double-sided copying

HP LaserJet 3050 130, 223
HP LaserJet 3052/3055 131,


HP LaserJet 3390/3392 132,


double-sided printing

duplex jams, clearing 317
Macintosh 57, 200
Windows 51, 197

dpi (dots per inch)

fax 76, 221
print settings 332
specifications 5


accessing 19
help, Windows 18
Linux and UNIX 17
Macintosh settings 55

presets (Macintosh) 55
quick sets (Windows) 48
selecting 18
specifications 5
supported 17
Windows settings 48

duplex settings, network 159

copying documents 132, 225
jams, clearing 261, 317
Macintosh 57, 200
Windows 51, 197


e-mail alerts, setting up 273
e-mail, scanning to

Macintosh 145
resolution settings 151
Windows 142, 236

electrical specifications 378, 379
electronic faxes

receiving 100, 212
sending 99, 211

embedded Web server (EWS)

browsers supported 20, 242
features 283
network settings 157

energy consumption 383
Energy Star compliance 5

copies 227

enlarging documents

copying 124, 227
printing 49


guidelines for using 30
output path 60
printing on 64, 205
priority input slot, loading 40
specifications 33, 34
storing 31

environmental specifications

all-in-one 379
paper 36

error messages

control panel 323
critical 330

error-correction setting, fax 93
errors, PostScript 357

EU statement for telecom operation


Event log 273
EWS. See embedded Web server


extended warranty 375
extension phones

receiving faxes from 107
sending faxes from 106


factory-set defaults, restoring

241, 363

faded print 333

activity log 95, 209, 361
ad hoc groups 71
additional devices, connecting


answer mode 102
autoreduction 79
billing code report, printing

97, 362

billing codes 88
blocked list, printing 98
blocking 80
call report, printing 96, 361
canceling 75
contrast setting 75, 220
control panel, using 222
date, setting 69
delaying sending 87
deleting from memory 90
detect-dial-tone settings 106
dial prefixes 86
dialing, tone or pulse 77
error messages 324
error-correction 93
extension phone receiving 107
factory-set defaults, restoring

241, 363

forwarding 91, 210
glass-size setting 77
group-dial entries 71, 84, 217
header, setting 69
jams, troubleshooting 345
loading originals in ADF 38
manual dialing 73
one-touch keys 81, 82, 83,

213, 216




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