Filters tab - person report form, Filters tab - schedule report form, Filters tab - zone history report form – GE v6 User Manual

Page 172: Find badge, Filters tab, Allow, Dial

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Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual


Filters Tab - Person Report Form

This tab is used only when generating a

Person Report

. Use this tab to select the criteria by which this

report will be generated, allowing you to narrow the selection of information displayed on your report.

Employee Last Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the
report. If you want to list all persons, leave these fields blank.

Department: To provide additional filtering, you can select to run a report on only those
persons in a selected department.

Personnel Type: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those persons
assigned a selected personnel type.

Filters Tab - Schedule Report Form

This tab is used only when generating a Schedule Report. Filter or select specific informaiton you want
to display on the report.
Micro: From the drop-down list, select the micro you want to use to generate report information. If you
want to use all micros, select <ALL>.

Filters Tab - Time and Attendance History Report Form

Use this tab to select the criteria by which this report will be generated.

Employee Last Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the
report. If you want to list all persons, leave these fields blank.

Department: To provide additional filtering, you can select to run a report on only those
persons in a selected department.

Personnel Type: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those persons
assigned a selected personnel type.

Round By: Select the criteria by which you want the time of the time and attendance
transaction rounded by: Hour, Half Hour (30-minute increments), Quarter Hour (15-minute
increments) or Minute.

Filters Tab - Zone History Report Form

This tab allows you to limit the person or badgeholder records printed on this report.

Badge Number: Enter the range of badge numbers you want listed on this report. Leave
blank for all badges.

Employee Name: Enter the range of employee last names on which you want to generate a
report. Leave blank for all names.

Employee Number: Enter the range of employee numbers on which you want to report.
Leave blank for all numbers.

Find Badge

Select a reader from the drop-down list of this dialog box, present a badge at that reader, and this form
displays the record that is associated with the badge presented. If a record is not currently in SP, you can
add it. This is a convenient way of finding the badge record for a card without searching all records.
