Number of plb masters, Plb base address, Number of plb masters plb base address – Xilinx IP Ethernet AVB Endpoint v2.4 UG492 User Manual

Page 37: Figure 4-2, Is availa, Ethernet avb gui page 2

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Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide


UG492 September 21, 2010

Ethernet AVB GUI Page 2

Ethernet AVB GUI Page 2

Figure 4-2

shows page 2 of the Ethernet AVB Endpoint GUI customization screen. This

page provides options for configuring the

“PLB Interface”

of the core. This option is only

required when generating in the Standard CORE Generator software format.

Number of PLB Masters

The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core is a PLB slave. On the connected PLB, there may be
several PLB Masters. Each slave must uniquely acknowledge individual masters using
unique PLB signals during transactions. For this reason, set this integer value to match the
number of PLB masters that will be present on the PLB.

PLB Base Address

The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core is a PLB slave. The base address of the core must be
selected. Valid range is 0x00000000 to 0xFFFF8000. The least significant 15 bits of the base
address must be set to 0 (bits 17 to 31 of the PLB Base Address).

X-Ref Target - Figure 4-2

Figure 4-2:

GUI Page 2
