Noise curves – NTi Audio XL2 Sound Level Meter User Manual

Page 109

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Noise Curves

RNC Information Page



The RNC information page is available at the noise curve types
Noise Criteria and Room Noise Criteria in accordance with
ANSI S12.2-2008. It reports any large fluctuations or surging at
low frequencies, e.g. caused by fans.


Noise Curve

Selection of the noise curve type and measurement re-

Noise Curve Types

Noise Rating NR

Noise Criteria NC (2008) and (1995)

Room Noise Criteria RNC

Room Criteria RC (1995)

Preferred Noise Criteria PNC (1971)

Measurement Result
The noise rating of a spectrum is designated as the value of
the highest curve “touched” by the measured octave-band
spectrum. The octave band in which this “touching” occurs
is noted along with the curve designation.


Measurement Result

Actual level result of the indicated frequency band. The cur-
sor readout displays the center frequency and the level of
the band pointed to by the arrow. In the automatic cursor
read out, the arrow points directly to the frequency band
with the highest noise rating as displayed in


