About this manual – RISCO Group axesplus® MAP Editor User Manual

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User Manual for MAP Editor

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© RISCO Group


About This Manual


This manual has been written to help you understand and use the Map Editor application that provides a

graphical view of firmware devices in a section. These devices are added through Access Control Installer

Station (ACIS).

Intended Audience

This manual is primarily intended for the installers who belong to the installer company and will use Map

Editor to create maps for the sections in an account.

Prerequisites for Use

The overall awareness of the Risco Access Control (RAC) system and the basic knowledge of access control

systems and security domain are necessary to use this manual.

Organisation of the Manual

Introduction provides a brief of the entire MAP Editor Application.

Getting Started with Map Editor describes the process to log on and log off from the application.

Designing Projects describes the ways to create location, create maps, and add devices to the maps. It also

describes how to add graphics and standard functions to the map.

Configuring Behaviour describes the process to configure the default behaviour of the Map elements.

Glossary provides the explanation of the terms used in the user manual.

Contact provides the contact details of Risco.

Index of the terms, concepts and tasks is provided in this section.
