Appendix e - profile velocity mode, General mode description, Enable profile velocity mode – Applied Motion ST10-C-CE User Manual

Page 66: Set running parameters, Enable drive operation, Starting/stopping motion

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920-0025 Rev K


CANopen User Manual

Appendix E - Profile Velocity Mode

General Mode Description

Profile Velocity Mode is a relatively simple operating mode. Once the velocity, accelera-

tion, and deceleration are set, the drive will either command the motor to accelerate to the

running velocity according to the acceleration parameter, or to halt movement according to the

deceleration parameter.

The figure below shows an example of Profile Velocity Mode. The top graph shows the

actual speed of the motor, the middle graph the target speed value, and the bottom graph the

halt bit in the controlword.

The table below explains how the halt bit and target velocity may be used together to af-

fect motor speed. Between points B and C, the motor does not come to a complete stop, but

decelerates according to the profile deceleration value starting at point B. When the halt bit

transitions at point C, it accelerates immediately back to the target speed. At Point E, reducing

the target speed to zero has the same effect as enabling the halt bit, since the drive is com-

manding the motor to move at zero speed.

It should be noted that both enabling the halt bit and setting the target velocity to zero

keep torque applied to the motor. In order to allow the shaft to move freely, the NMT state must

be put in the Drive Disabled state.

Enable Profile Velocity Mode

To enable the profile velocity mode, the value 0003


must be written to the mode of

operation OD entry, located at dictionary address 6060



The mode of operation can be verified using OD 6061


- mode of operation display - which

is updated when the current operation mode is accepted.

Set Running Parameters

Set the velocity, acceleration, and deceleration using OD entries 60FF


, 6083


, and 6084



Enable Drive Operation

After power up or node reset, the drive is in disabled state. The value 0006


must be

written to the control word OD entry, located at dictionary address 6040


. This will put the drive

into “ready to switch on” state and is ready to enable drive operation. If the value 0006


is not

written to the control word first, the drive operation can not be enabled.

To enable drive operation, the value 010F


must be written to the controlword OD entry,

located at dictionary address 6040


. This puts the drive into Operation Enabled state, with the

motion halted.

Starting/Stopping Motion

To start and stop motion, toggle the controlword halt bit (bit 8). When the halt bit is set to

0, motion will start or continue; when the halt bit is set to 1, motion will stop. The bit can be

toggled by writing 010F


and 000F


to controlword OD entry 6040


