E-31, Editable parameters for drum pcm tone, Selecting and creating tones – Casio XW-G1 User Manual

Page 33: Editable parameters for drum set pcm tone

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Selecting and Creating Tones


The editable parameters described here are for the drum set tones. There are two types of parameters: PCM drum tone specific
editable parameters and the same parameters that apply to the other tone categories.

Editable Parameters for Drum Set PCM Tone

Display the screen in step 2 of the procedure under “To edit and save a tone as a user tone” on page E-20.

Editable Parameter List

• Shaded cells indicate a group made up of multiple items. Press


ENTER to display the items that make up a group.

Editable Parameters for Drum PCM Tone

Display Text



Inst Edit >Ent

Instrument edit. Group of editable parameters for drum tone for each
• Press a keyboard key to specify the keyboard to be edited.
• This group can be entered by performing step 1 under “To edit and save

a tone as a user tone” (page E-20) and then holding down



(C- to G9


Inst Select >Ent

Instrument select. Group of editable parameters for tone. Keyboard key
pressure (Velocity) is divided into four velocity ranges. Each range can be
configured to sound a different tone (Inst Number).
• Use the


PART minus (–) and plus (+) buttons to select the range

you want to edit.

Inst Number

Instrument number. Selects the drum tone wave assigned to each
velocity range.
• See the separate “Appendix” for details about wave types.
• The splits of a user wave tone (User Wave) can be assigned as Inst

Numbrers. User wave names consist of the text “UserWave”, followed
by two number separated by a hyphen (such as: UserWave 1-2). The
number to the left of the hyphen (1 in the example), is a user number
from 1 to 10 or the letter R (sample looper recorded data). The number
to the right of the hyphen (2 in the example) a split number from 1 to 5.
If the data includes a wave, an asterisk (

*) is appended to the beginning

of the user wave name.

See the separate


Velocity range high. Determines the high limit of each velocity range.

0 to 127


Volume. Specifies drum sound volume.

–128 to 0 to +127


Pan. Specifies the stereo position of drum sound.

–64 to 0 to +63


Reverb send. Specifies how reverb is applied to a drum tone.

0 to 127


Note off mode. Turning on this setting causes note off to be performed
when a key is released.

Off, On

Assign Grp

Assign group. Specifies as a value from 1 to 15 which group the currently
selected keyboard should be placed into. Only one keyboard in a group is
sounded at any time (non-polyphonic).

Off, 1 to 15

Pitch LFO >Ent

Pitch LFO. Group of editable LFOs applied to pitch.


Wave type. Specifies a wave type to be used for LFO. The details of the
selectable waves are the same as those for “WaveType” of “Block (8):
LFO1 and Block (9): LFO2 Editable Parameters” (page E-28).

Sin, Tri, SawUp,
SawDown, Puls1:3,
Puls2:2, Puls3:1


Rate. Specifies the LFO speed (frequency).

0 to 127


Depth. Specifies how LFO is applied.

–128 to 0 to +127


Delay. Specifies the degree of delay in the timing for applying LFO.

0 to 127


Rise. Specifies the time it takes from the start of application of the LFO
until the effect reaches the level specified by Depth above.

0 to 127


Modulation depth. Specifies how modulation is applied to the LFO.

0 to 127

After Depth

After depth. Specifies LFO change when MIDI channel after touch is

0 to 127

Inst Number





Cannot be


range 1

range 2

range 3

range 4


Velocity Range Hi







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