Sending picking order data – IntelliTrack Inventory Shipping Receiving Picking (ISRP) User Manual

Page 85

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Chapter 6

Data Download and Upload


To send selected item inventory data, press the <Ctrl> key while click-
ing on selected items separately;
Select one item and then press the <Shift> key while selecting another
item to select all items between the two selections

Sending Picking Order Data

Picking order data that is sent to the handheld device is set from the Pick-
tab of the Send Portable data form.


Select the Picking tab to bring this section to the front.


If you want to send picking order data to the CE Client application on
the handheld device, mark the Send Order Data check box. The Select
Orders By portion of the form becomes enabled.


In the Select Orders By portion of the form, click the drop-down arrow
in the Site field and select the site from the list that appears to select a
site other then the default site.


By default all customers are selected. To select a specific customer,
click the drop-down arrow in the Customer field and select the cus-
tomer from the list that appears.

Note: To send customer information to the handheld device, the Require
Customer setting for Picking Orders in the workstation application (Sys-
tem Options form\
Orders tab) must be selected.


Next, select the desired picking option from the available choices:
Order #: Filter the orders by a specific order number, an order number
range, or send all orders in the system. When you select orders by order
