Modifying curves, Modifying, Curves – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 581

background image

To deform the selection box asymmetrically


Hold down the Command key and drag any of the corner handles of the selection box.

Each corner handle moves independently of the other three corner handles of the selection

Modifying Curves

Perhaps the most powerful and valuable feature that the Keyframe Editor offers is the
ability to make changes to the curves between the keyframes. Of course, manipulating
keyframes causes changes in the curves, but Motion gives you tools to control the
interpolation and extrapolation of your parameter values themselves.

By using different preset mathematical algorithms or by using manual controls, you can
dramatically alter the impact of your effects.

When you set the interpolation for a curve, you select the keyframe you want to modify.
The method you choose determines the distribution of values through, into, or out of
the selected keyframe.

To set an interpolation method for a keyframe


Select the keyframe you want to affect.

The keyframe turns white.


Control-click the keyframe to display the shortcut menu.


Choose an interpolation method from the Interpolation submenu.

To set an interpolation method on a curve segment


Control-click the segment, then choose an interpolation method from the Interpolation


Chapter 10

Keyframes and Curves
