Overedge stretch stitch, Overedged seams, Method 1 – SINGER 3015 User Manual

Page 48: Point cje surjet extensible, Coutures surjetées, Méthode 1, Punto de sobreorilla elástico, Costuras sohreonlladas, Método 1

Overedge stretch stitch, Overedged seams, Method 1 | Point cje surjet extensible, Coutures surjetées, Méthode 1, Punto de sobreorilla elástico, Costuras sohreonlladas, Método 1 | SINGER 3015 User Manual | Page 48 / 68 Overedge stretch stitch, Overedged seams, Method 1 | Point cje surjet extensible, Coutures surjetées, Méthode 1, Punto de sobreorilla elástico, Costuras sohreonlladas, Método 1 | SINGER 3015 User Manual | Page 48 / 68
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