Appendix 3- parameter cross reference, Parameter name – Yaskawa GPD 506/P5 to F7 User Manual

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Appendix 3- Parameter Cross Reference

PL.F7.05 Page


of 54

GPD506/P5 Parameter

F7 Parameter






Description or Selection

Description or Selection






contact output 1
(terminal MA-MB-MC)

0: Fault
1: During run.
2: Frequency agree
3: At set frequency agree
4: Freq detect
(output freq = set freq detection level)
5: Freq detect
(output frequency = set freq detect level)
6: Overtorque detect. (N.O contact)
7: Overtorque detect. (N.C contact)
8: The base block.
9: Operation mode
10: Inverter drive ready
11: Timer function
12: Auto restart. (Fault retry)
13: OL pre-alarm (OL1,OL2)
14: Frequency reference loss
15: Closed from serial communication.
16: PID feedback loss
17: OH1 alarm

Selects the function of terminals M1 to M6.
0: During RUN 1
Closed = When a run command is input
or the Drive is outputting voltage.
1: Zero Speed
Closed = When Drive output frequency
is less than minimum output frequency
2: Fref/Fout Agree 1
Closed = When Drive output frequency
equals the frequency reference +/- the
hysteresis of L4-02.
3: Fref/Set Agree 1
Closed = When the Drive output
frequency and the frequency reference
are equal to the value in L4-01+/- the
hysteresis of L4-02.
4: Frequency Detection 1
Closed = When the Drive output
frequency is less than or equal to the
value in L4-01 with hysteresis
determined by L4-02.
5: Frequency Detection 2
Closed = When the Drive output
frequency is greater than or equal to the
value in L4-01, with hysteresis
determined by L4-02.
6: Inverter Ready
Closed = When the Drive is powered up,
not in a fault state, and in the DRIVE
7: DC Bus Undervoltage
Closed = When the DC bus voltage falls
below the UV trip level set in L2-05.
8: Base Block 1 N.O.
Closed = When the Drive is not
outputting voltage.
9: Operator Reference
Closed = When the frequency reference
is coming from the Digital Operator.
Closed = When the run command is
coming from the Digital Operator.
B: Torque Detection 1 N.O.
Closed = When the output current/torque
exceeds the torque value set in parameter
L6-02 for more time than is set in
parameter L6-03.
C: Loss of Reference
Closed = When the Drive has detected a
loss of the analog frequency reference.
Frequency reference is considered lost
when it drops 90% in 0.4 seconds.
Parameter L4-05 determines Drive
reaction to a loss of frequency reference.
D: Braking Resistor Fault
Closed = When braking resistor or
transistor is overheating or has faulted.
Only active when L8-01 = 1.
E: Fault
Closed = When the Drive experiences a
major fault.
F: Not Used
10: Alarm
Closed = When Drive experiences an
11: Reset Command Active
Closed = When the Drive receives a
reset command from a digital input
terminal or serial communication.

Terminal M1-M2 Function

