Texas Instruments MSC1210 User Manual

Page 254

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switch (convert_accumulate)


case CONVERT: //straight A/D conversion results, no averaging

PAI = 0x20;

for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)


converting = 1;

/*straight conversion idle loop.

Value of ”converting” is changed in the a_to_d_accumulate ()

ISR which is called at the end of each conversion.*/

while (converting);

/*Get LONG integer result and convert to a floating point

voltage value using the proper values for vref and max_value*/

l = read_a_to_d_result ();

voltage_value = (float)l * vref / max_range;

printf (”\nInstantaneous Value: %ld, i.e. %f volts”,

l, voltage_value);




//Averaged A/D conversion results

PAI = 0x60;

for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)


averaging = 1;

/*averaged conversion idle loop.

Value of ”averaging” is changed in the a_to_d_accumulate ()

ISR which is called at the end of each completed

averaging sequence.*/

while (averaging);

/*Get LONG integer result and convert to a floating point

voltage value using the proper values for vref and max_value*/

l = read_accumulator_result ();

voltage_value = (float)l * vref / max_range;

init_accumulator ();

printf (”\nInstantaneous voltage Values ”);

printf (”Averaged Over %d Samples: %ld,\n i.e. %f volts”,

(int)accum_count, l, voltage_value);




while (1);

