Mono/stereo, Switch (see, When the 33609 is used in a – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 36: Neve 33609 Compressor


When set to link (down position), modifying any channel one or channel two
control causes its adjacent stereo counterpart control to snap to the same po-
sition (channel 1 & 2 controls are ganged together in link mode).

When link is active, automation data is written and read for channel one
only. In this case, the automation data for channel one will control both chan-


When link is active, changing channel two parameters from a control

surface or when in “controls only” (non-GUI) mode will have no effect.


The Neve 33609 can operate in true stereo or dual-mono mode. This switch
determines the active mode.


In mono mode, channels 1 and 2 are completely independent and the 33609
functions as a dual-mono device, each channel with its own compressor and


To read and write automation data for both channels independently

when in mono mode, link mode must be disabled.


In stereo mode, the left channel is fed to the channel one compressor, and the
right channel is fed to the channel two compressor. The two compressors are
constrained so that they both compress the same amount at any instant. This
prevents transients which appear only on one channel from shifting the image
of the output. Any big transient on either channel will cause both channels to
compress. The amount of compression will be similar to the amount of com-
pression for a transient which appears on both channels at the same time.

In stereo operation the controls for channels 1 and 2 are independent and
can be set separately. Generally, the channel with the “most processing oc-
curring” controls the processing for the other channel. For example, if the
same signal is fed to both channels in stereo mode and channel 1 has a lower
threshold setting than channel 2, the channel 1 threshold value is used for
both channels. Similarly, if channel 1 were disabled (using “In” switches),
channel 2 settings would be used because “more processing” occurs with the
channel 2 settings. It's not always so simple though, as in the following cases:

This manual is related to the following products: