Fade in knob, Onset knob, Rate knob – Universal Audio UAD POWERED PLUG-INS ver.6.1 User Manual

Page 413: Depth knob, Lfo type menu, Mode menu

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UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual

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Chapter 38: Nigel

Fade In Knob

Determines the signal fade in time. Fade In is typically used to create auto-
matic volume swells. The range is from None to 4000 milliseconds. When set
to None, there is no fade in and only the Tremolo effect is active.

Onset Knob

Determines the time for the Tremolo effect to reach the specified depth. Onset
behaves as an intensity ramp for the Tremolo effect. The range is from None
to 4000 milliseconds. When set to None, the Tremolo effect begins immedi-
ately (when the Threshold value is exceeded).

Rate knob

Sets the LFO rate for the Tremolo. The range is from 0 Hz to 16 Hz.

Depth Knob

Sets the maximum Tremolo depth. The range is from zero to 100%.

LFO Type Menu

Determines the LFO waveshape used to modulate the signal. The waveshape
can be set to sine or square.

Mode Menu

The Mode menu reconfigures the behavior of the Trem/Fade algorithms
and/or the preset parameter settings. Each of the Modes is described below.

Fade Mode

In Fade mode, when the input signal level crosses the threshold value, the au-
dio will fade in (ramp up) according to the time set with the Fade In knob. The
Onset, Rate, and Depth controls are also active in Fade mode.

Two Fade modes are available. Each has a different Fade In curve and there-
fore a different volume envelope shape.


If the Threshold value is set too high for the source signal in Fade mode,

the effect will not be triggered and the audio will never fade in.

Shimmer Mode

In Shimmer mode, when the input signal level crosses the threshold value, the
Tremolo effect will gradually increase according to the time set with the Onset
knob. The Fade In knob is also active in Shimmer mode.

Three Shimmer modes are available. Each has a different Onset curve.


If the Depth value is zero and/or the Threshold value is set too high in

Shimmer mode, you will not hear the Shimmer effect.

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