Ladder program statistics, Ladder run viewer, Printing – Sensaphone SCADA 3000 Users manual User Manual

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SCADA 3000 User’s Manual

Ladder program, plus the duration of a synchronous C-Program, plus the time

required to update the outputs.

Ladder Program Statistics

The statistics of the ladder program can be displayed after the program is successfully compiled

or checked for syntax by enabling the Display Usage option in the program menu. This feature

is useful to keep track of which Ladder Variables and Bits have been used. A summary of all

instructions, addresses and instruction types is also provided. A sample report is shown below:

Figure 7: Ladder Statistics form

Ladder Run Viewer

The Ladder Run Viewer allows you to see your Ladder program execute on the screen in real

time. In this mode, inputs and outputs will highlight as they become active, and all addresses

representing numerical values will display those values. Status bits associated with timer and

counter instructions will highlight as they become active.
To enable this mode, compile and upload your ladder program, then start it from the main unit

programming form as discussed above. Next click the red Run Program button on the Ladder

Editor screen, and then the green Realtime Status button. The symbols of your ladder program

will now highlight when they are active. Math and comparison instructions will display the

actual values. In this mode you cannot edit your program. To exit the realtime view mode, first

click the green button and then the red button.


To print, select File in the Main Menu, and choose Print. Note that where the print dialog

shows the number of pages, this actually indicates the number of rungs to be printed. You can

print all or a part of your ladder program.
On regular, letter-size paper, the program prints 8 rungs per page.
