Sensaphone SCADA 3000 Users manual User Manual

Page 192

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SCADA 3000 User’s Manual

WHILE - Used to execute a list of statements while a condition is true. The statements are

only executed if the condition is already true. The following example only sets output 0 on

when input 0 is greater than 100, and keeps it on until input 0 is less than or equal to 100.


main ()


while (read_uaf(input,0,0)>100);





OPERATORS - Symbols used to execute mathematical operations and determine whether a

particular condition exists.

+ Adds two values

- Subtracts two values

* Multiplies two values

/ Divides two values

% Finds the remainder of a division

|| Checks if one condition or another exists

&& Checks if one condition and another exists

ASSIGNMENT - Symbol used to assign a numeric value.

= assigns a new value to a variable

COMPARATORS - Symbols used to compare numeric values to each other

< Less than

> Greater than

== Is equal to

!= Is not equal to

<= Less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to

COMMENTS - Text used to add notes to a program. Typically used to briefly explain what

the program or statement is doing. They may be used freely to make a program easier to

understand. Comments are ignored by the compiler.

Note: Do not use the characters “*” or “/” within the body of a comment.

/* Begin comment

*/ End comment
