ADS Environmental Services FlowShark Pulse QR 775004 A1 User Manual

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ADS FlowShark Pulse O&M Manual

use or connection. Refer to Chapter 4, System Overview and

The FlowShark Pulse Model 10 transmitter represents this kind of
scenario because it has only 2 analog outputs, 2 relay outputs, and
1 analog input. This device does not have a digital input and
cannot be operated as a controller. It can be operated only with 2
analog outputs and 2 relay outputs. Please use the Model 20
transmitter to employ digital input and controller functions.

After mounting and installing the sensor and transmitter (refer to Chapter 7,
), activate the power supply.

The initial start-up dialog displayed is language selection:

Figure 8-2 Language Selection

Select the desired language using the arrow keys, and then press Enter to confirm.

Please press the key only one time.

The transmitter initiates communication with the sensor and coordinates both
processor programs. While this occurs, the software version number displays on the
transmitter. This number is required for reference if problems occur during

Perform this procedure after each sensor change.

For safety reasons, please reset the system when replacing a sensor by powering
down the transmitter. The user can perform a full reset to the factory default settings
by selecting the load factory setup from the setup parameter submenu of the PAR
main menu.

Once the previous actions are complete, begin setting the parameters.

The unit loses custom parameters during a full reset, restoring the
factory default parameters.
