Exhaust installation, Exhaust connection, Internal duct work – B&C Technologies IM Series Industrial Ironer User Manual

Page 33: External duct work, Make up air, 8 exhaust installation

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Exhaust Installation


Exhaust Connection

Separate venting of the machine into suitable exhaust systems is required for operator safety, ironer
operation, and ironer reliability. Incorrect installation can lead to an unsafe environment for opera-
tors and damage to the ironer or padding. Labor and materials needed to properly vent the ironer
must be locally sourced. Comply with all local codes regarding installation of the duct work.


Internal Duct Work

The roll exhaust ducting is inside the left frame of the machine when facing the infeed side of the

Remove all packaging from the duct work, and connect using the supplied hose clamps. Verify
the proper electrical phasing of the exhaust blowers and ensure that the blowers are rotating in the
correct direction. Severe performance problems will occur if the phasing is incorrect.


External Duct Work

There are two separate exhaust systems on the IM Series ironer:

• A pressurized gas flue for the burner which heats the oil

• A non-pressurized vent for the roll evaporation blower

Caution: Two separate ducts are to be used for the machine - one for the roll evaporation blower
and one for the oil heater. The two systems cannot be combined.

Note: Do not vent either system into a wall, ceiling or other enclosed area of a building.


Make Up Air

The IM Series ironer requires a constant supply of fresh air for combustion and make up air. Gen-
erally, the machine will require approximately 1.5 sq ft (0.14 sq m) of open area depending upon
the size of the machine. Refer to the general specifications for additional details.

Check local codes to determine make up air requirements for the particular installations. Always
follow local codes.

