7 industrial graphics application, Introduction, Control sequences – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

Page 121: Home and cursor, Barcodes, Block characters, Command summary, Industrial graphics application

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Industrial Graphics



This Industrial Graphics manual describes how to print several different types
of barcodes and block characters using escape sequences and command
functions. This chapter contains the following sections:

Control Sequences

This section describes the escape sequences used in entering and exiting the
Barcode/Block Character mode, and how to select the various functions (i.e.,
Normal/Double Density, barcode styles, sizes of block characters, moving the
cursor for justification, etc.).

Home And Cursor

This section describes the operational differences between the Home position
and the cursor in Block Character mode.


This section provides printed examples of the available barcodes. It also
provides related encoding information such as data limits, check digits, etc.

Block Characters

This section provides printed examples of changing the sizes of block
characters, and mixing characters with barcodes.

Command Summary

This section provides a summary of the escape sequences and command
functions discussed in this manual.
