IDEC WindSRV User Manual

Page 129

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KEPServerEX5 Help

Attempt to add OPC client item '<item name>' failed

Attempting to automatically generate tags for device '<device name>'

Auto generation for tag '<tag name>' already exists and will not be overwritten

Auto generation produced too many overwrites, stopped posting error messages

Completed automatic tag generation for device '<device name>'

Configuration session assigned to '<user name>' as Default User has ended

Configuration session assigned to '<user name>' demoted to Read Only

Configuration session assigned to '<user name>' promoted toWrite Access

Configuration session started by '<user name>'

Configuration TCP/IP port number changed to '<port number>'

Data collection is '<enabled/disabled>' on device '<device name>'

DDE client attempt to add topic '<topic>' failed

Delete object '<item name>' failed

Demo timer started. '<days>' '<hours>' '<minutes>' '<seconds>'

Demo timer updated. '<time remaining>'

Demonstration time period has expired

Demonstration time period has expired

Device '<device name>' has been auto-demoted

Device '<device name>' has been auto-promoted to determine if communications can be re-established

Failed to upload project XML

FLEXnet Licensing Service must be enabled to process your license

Module '<module>' is unsigned or has a corrupt signature

Move object '<group>' to '<group>' failed

No device driver DLLs were loaded

Rejecting attempt to delete referenced object '<item name>'

Rejecting attempt to move referenced object '<item name>'

Runtime project replaced from '<project location>'

Simulation mode is '<enabled/disabled>' on device '<device name>'

Starting '<driver name>'

device driver

Starting '<plug-in name>' plug-in

Stopping '<driver name>' device driver

Stopping '<plug-in name>' plug-in

The tier information for feature '<feature>' is invalid

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. Reason: '<reason>'

Unable to generate a tag database for device '<device name>'. The device is not responding

Unable to load project '<project name>'

Unable to write to item '<item name>'

Update of object '<object>' failed

Write request rejected on item reference '<item name>' since the device it belongs to is disabled

Write request rejected on Read Only item reference '<item name>'

'<driver name>' device driver was not found or could not be loaded

Error Type:


Possible Cause:

A project using a driver that has not been installed or that is not compatible with the current server/driver version was
started but could not properly launch.


1. If the driver is not installed, re-run the install and select the driver.
2. If the driver is installed, verify the version that the project was created with and install a compatible version on the
running PC.
