8 logical drive commands, 1 display logical drive information, 2 display logical drive disk cache settings – MSI X2-109 v1 User Manual

Page 66: 3 manage logical drive initialization, Logical drive commands, Display logical drive information, Display logical drive disk cache settings, Manage logical drive initialization, Display logical drive cache settings, Section 4.8, “logical drive commands

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MegaCLI Command Tool

Version 2.0

Copyright © 2006 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


Logical Drive Commands

You can use the commands in this section to select settings for the
logical drives and to perform actions on them.


Display Logical Drive Information

Use the command in

Table 4.20

to display information about logical

drives on the selected adapter(s).


Display Logical Drive Disk Cache Settings

Use the command in

Table 4.21

to display the disk cache settings for the

logical drive(s) on the selected adapter(s).


Manage Logical Drive Initialization

Use the command in

Table 4.22

to manage initialization of the logical

drive(s) on the selected adapter(s).


In all operating system environments except DOS, the OS
driver starts the initialization process when this command is
issued. In DOS, however, there is no OS driver, so the
MegaCLI CT just marks the drives for initialization. The
initialization actually starts when the driver loads.

Table 4.20

Display Logical Drive Information


CmdTool –LDInfo –Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL


Displays information about the logical drive(s) on the selected adapter(s). This
information includes the name, RAID level, RAID level qualifier, size in megabytes,
state, stripe size, number of drives, and span depth. Also displays activity progress,
if any, including initialization, background initialization, and consistency check.

Table 4.21

Display Logical Drive Cache Settings


CmdTool –LDGetProp -DskCache -Lx|-L0,1,2| -Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL


Displays the disk cache settings of the logical drive(s):

: Displays physical disk cache policy.
