5 starting microplate manager, 6 selecting a serial port – Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

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Chapter 2. Installation and Setup


2.5 Starting Microplate Manager

To start Microplate Manager, click on the application icon on your desktop or select
Microplate Manager from the Programs directory on your Start menu.

Figure 2. Microplate Manager desktop icon.

The software will open, displaying the menu bar, main toolbar, main application
window, and status bar.

2.6 Selecting a Serial Port

The Ultramark connects to the computer via the SCSI port. If you are connecting to a
microplate reader other than the Ultramark, you can specify the serial port connection
by selecting Communications Setup from the OPTIONS menu in Microplate
Manager. This opens a dialog box in which you can select one of the available ports
on your computer.

Figure 3. Communications Setup dialog box.
