Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

Page 47

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Chapter 4. Templates


You can then click and/or drag on your template to define your well types.

Clicking on a particular well will mark that well as a single standard or unknown.
Clicking on several wells in succession will number them sequentially.

You can also number your wells sequentially by using the Autofill buttons. Click on
Autofill Left to Right and drag across a row of wells with your Standard or Unknown
pointer. The wells will be numbered sequentially from left to right. Click on Autofill
Top to Bottom
and drag down a column of wells, and the wells will be numbered
sequentially from top to bottom.

Figure 24. Autofilling a row of standards.

If you drag across multiple rows or columns, the wells will be numbered sequentially
from top to bottom, left to right, across the rows and columns.

You can define as many different standards and unknowns as you have wells on your

Replicate Groups

You can also define replicate groups by dragging on the template.

With your Standard or Unknown pointer, click on the Turn Off Autofill button, then
drag across a group of wells. All the wells you select will have the same number,
indicating that they are in the same replicate group.

Autofill Left to
Right selected
