Setting, Contrast adjust the image contrast, Bright adjust the image brightness – Panasonic CQ VAD9300U User Manual

Page 47: Bright, Color, 0 - iífíiíiírmirioiittiijiíiim, Adjust the image color depth, 0 - litliiitrmiiiiiiiiintm, Tint, Adjust the image tone or tint

Setting, Contrast adjust the image contrast, Bright adjust the image brightness | Bright, Color, 0 - iífíiíiírmirioiittiijiíiim, Adjust the image color depth, 0 - litliiitrmiiiiiiiiintm, Tint, Adjust the image tone or tint | Panasonic CQ VAD9300U User Manual | Page 47 / 304 Setting, Contrast adjust the image contrast, Bright adjust the image brightness | Bright, Color, 0 - iífíiíiírmirioiittiijiíiim, Adjust the image color depth, 0 - litliiitrmiiiiiiiiintm, Tint, Adjust the image tone or tint | Panasonic CQ VAD9300U User Manual | Page 47 / 304