Konica Minolta Digital StoreFront User Manual

Page 522

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Digital StoreFront 5.2 Administration Reference


and graphics are present to assure quality PDF output. Because PrintMessenger is installed at
the operating system level, your customers can "print" to your facility from virtually any
software application on either an Apple Macintosh or a Windows PC.

Publish: Button that adds a selected product to a specified category in the category tree.


Rank / Priority: Number assigned to a product to determine its order when displayed on the storefront.

Regular Expression (regex): A regular expression, or regex, is a term that signifies or matches a set of

expressions. The set signified or matched is determined by the shorthand notation, or terms,
used in the regular expression. A regular expression is used to define the formatting of a phone
number pattern, for instance: The regular expression defining the U.S. phone number format
(000) 000-0000 is ^\(?\s?\+?\s?\d3\s?\)?[ -]?\d3[ -]?\d4$ .

Remote Print Center (RPC): A remote print center (RPC) is the component running on a remote file

server that manages data file related services with the ASP file server or with the host file server
on a standalone installation.

Reports: A page from which administrators can generate detailed reports of specific system events or

transactions presented for analysis.

RPC: RPC - Remote Print Center; the component running on a remote file server that manages data file

related services with the ASP file server or with the host file server on a standalone installation.


Shop Notification: The feature of the system that when enabled causes the system to send notifications

to a specified e-mail address whenever an order reaches the "Print Shop Approved” status
(indicating that a buyer either placed an order with a fully automated quote or accepted a
manual quote on an order).

Site Currency: Specifies the currency standard for the site.

Static Product: A product in the catalog that is sold in a fixed form (i.e., is non-configurable), such as a


Storefront: Storefront - The buyer interface wherein all buyer interactions with the site occur; branded

with the default or a custom theme; Branding is a component of a StoreFront (includes banner,
logo, and theme) to match the Print Shop's or Company's identity. The unique, licensable
shopping experience. A StoreFront consists of a set of pages that can be configured. The pages
include StoreFront Home, Category Landing Page, and Product Landing Page. The pages can be
configured to a custom brand, theme, and Home Page. Home page consists of block placement,
and presence as well as Featured Categories and Featured Products.

Storefront Customization: Storefront Customization - The distinguishing visual appearance or identity of

a storefront (which includes the storefront name, organizational logo, color scheme, etc.). The
system ships with a default branding that can be customized to match the corporate or
organizational identity of a company.

