Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual

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SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software

SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S


Figure 74 - Seattle Avionics Download Manager

Purchasing Seattle Avionics ChartData (US)

To purchase ChartData, go to


and follow the

instructions on the Seattle Avionics website to purchase and install Seattle Avionics ChartData
on your USB memory stick(s) that have been prepared per the above procedure.

After you have installed ChartData to your USB memory sticks, simply connect them to your
SkyView display(s) to enable charting capabilities. The USB memory stick(s) must be left
connected to your SkyView display(s) during normal use for charts to be available.

Note that SkyView only allows one USB memory stick to be connected to a display
at a time. Any other USB memory stick – such as the one that you normally use for
SkyView software and database updates – must be disconnected from your
