Transponder operation, Transponder status -1 – Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual

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SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S


6. Transponder Operation

Dynon Avionics offers two transponder modules that can be connected to SkyView. When
installed and configured, SkyView displays gain an integrated transponder that is controlled
directly from the SkyView display.

The SV-XPNDR-262 is a Class 2 Mode S transponder that is limited to use beneath 15,000 feet
and under 175 knots. The SV-XPNDR-261 is a Class 1 Mode S transponder that can be used
above those limitations. Throughout this manual, they are often referred to together as the SV-
XPNDR-26X for instructions that apply to both versions. Be sure that your aircraft is operated
within the limitations of the transponder model that is installed in your aircraft.

When connected to a capable GPS, the SV-XPNDR-26X will output ADS-B OUT messages via its
1090ES capability.

The SV-XPNDR-26X transponder is controlled using the SkyView’s on-screen menu system. This
allows the transponder to be mounted separately from the instrument panel, and reduces the
amount of panel space taken by the transponder. SkyView also provides pressure altitude
directly to the transponder, eliminating the need for a separate altitude encoder.

Transponder Status

When the transponder is installed and configured, the Top Bar will display transponder status
as shown in the following figure:

Figure 72 - Transponder Status Area in Top Bar

The transponder status area is comprised of the following status elements:

Squawk Code: This code is transmitted when the transponder is in a broadcast mode.

Transponder Mode: Displays the current operating mode and status of the transponder.
Modes in which the transponder will reply to interrogations are colored green, while
other modes, such as standby and errors, are in yellow or red. The different modes
possible include:
